Performance, interpretation, interpretation and the difference between them


  • Prof. Muhannad Muhammad Saleh Al-Araji University of Kufa / College of Basic Education
  • Researcher Mays Jawad Kazem University of Kufa / College of Basic Education



Performance, Over-interpretation, Interpretation, Difference, Conditions of Over-interpretation


This research is to define the concepts of performance, over-interpretation, and interpretation and to show the difference among them. It aims to find out the interpretive performance, as the focus of the research is on the relationship between performance and interpretation because the interpretive performance is to divert the lexeme from the reference meaning to the likely meaning of the evidence associated with it. This indicates the existence of ambiguity in the religious text that necessitates it. The significance of the research is to know the difference between over-interpretation and interpretation and to clarify the meaning of each of them in linguistic dictionaries and jurisprudence conventions. The research problem addresses the following question: What are performance, over-interpretation, and interpretation? And What is the difference between them? To answer the main question, the researcher divided the research into three sections: section one studies performance, over-interpretation, interpretation and the difference among them. Section two deals with interpretation in dictionaries and use. The third section is concerned with the relationship between over-interpretation and interpretation. The research has come up with certain conclusions, the most significant ones are as follows:  The wording of the text is subject to interpretation as it appears, and is neither an interpreted nor an arbitrated; that there is evidence to support the correctness of diverting the text from its surface meaning to the plausible referenced meaning.


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How to Cite

Al-Araji, M. and Kazem, M. (2024) “Performance, interpretation, interpretation and the difference between them”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(71), pp. 393–432. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i71.15069.