Instead of evacuating the leased eye (Sarqaflia) a comparative jurisprudence study


  • Prof. Dr. Sahib Muhammad Hussein Nassar University of Kufa / Faculty of Jurisprudence



rent, serifs, leased property, economic profit.


The allowance for evacuating the leased property is one of the important economic tools in  the country's economy and  its importance is through the continuous improvement of life because it  is a profitable tool,  after the economic development witnessed by the world, and this tool  is a way to break the financial bottlenecks between the owner and the tenant, and this is a way to facilitate work more flexibly and it is a  financial way to transfer the right of ownership and disposal between the owner and the tenant.


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Author Biography

Prof. Dr. Sahib Muhammad Hussein Nassar, University of Kufa / Faculty of Jurisprudence

استاذ مساعد دكتور في جامعة الكوفة



How to Cite

Nassar, S. (2013) “Instead of evacuating the leased eye (Sarqaflia) a comparative jurisprudence study ”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(1), pp. 85–105. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i1.4756.