The poem (Ya Habada Jabal al-Rayyan) by Jarir: A stylistic study


  • Hala Abdulfattah Saeed College of Basic Education / University of Mosul



stylistics, semantics, poem, verb structure, sentence structure, phonetic placement


The poem (Ya Habada Jabal al-Rayyan) was characterized by a virginal flirtation style that connects the listener to the insides of the soul, so he depicts his anguish, pain, and deprivation of his loved ones, to clarify the impact of separation on him, so he evokes memories of happiness before separation, and he wishes for the return of those days, despite his knowledge of the impossibility of that.

      Critics and scholars consider this poem one of the best lines of flirtation that Jarir ever composed for a woman he fell in love with, so she possessed himself, his soul, and his heart, which necessitated the poet to use multiple methods to broadcast his feelings of love and his feeling of separation. Therefore, this research came to study the poem stylistically according to an introduction and three topics. The concept of stylistics, and the first section was devoted to studying (the semantic level) in terms of the semantics of words (contextual, conjunctive, and suggestive) and the semantics of images: (the similatory, metaphorical, and metaphorical image), while the second section included the study of (the synthetic level) in terms of verbs (past, present, imperative) and sentences (Nominal and verbal), and the third topic came to study (rhythmic level) in terms of external rhythm (weight and rhyme), and internal rhythm (repetition and vocal centering)


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How to Cite

Saeed, Hala. “The Poem (Ya Habada Jabal Al-Rayyan) by Jarir: A Stylistic Study”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 59, Mar. 2024, pp. 180-0, doi:10.36317/kaj/2024/v1.i59.13390.

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