The poem (Mud) by Elia Abu Madi, a study in light of levels of parallelism


  • Entesar AbdalAmeer Jbbar Alkhaldy Ministry of Education \ Directorate of Education Qadisiyah



grammatical parallelism, verbal parallelism, phonetic parallelism, Elia Abu Madi, clay poem, repetition


The research aims to reveal the importance of the phenomenon of  parallelism as a technique with a rhythmic and semantic style, with the diversity of its grammatical, verbal, phonetic and morphological levels in the poem (Mud), by the poet Elia Abu Madi, which reveals the techniques of the poem, its artistic methods and its structure, which contributed to clarifying the position of the poet in his moments subliminal, it also contributes to the consistency and research harmony of the text. The research was based on two axes, an introduction and a     conclusion .


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How to Cite

Alkhaldy, Entesar. “The Poem (Mud) by Elia Abu Madi, a Study in Light of Levels of Parallelism”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 59, Mar. 2024, pp. 212-4, doi:10.36317/kja/2024/v1.i59.14806.

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