Priority jobs in the Islamic lifestyle


  • Rashid Mohammadi Master and Lecturer, Department of Islamic Knowledge, Jundi Shapur Medical University, Ahwaz, Iran
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Radmehr Member of the Scientific Board, Department of Islamic Knowledge, Jundishapur Medical University, Ahvaz, Iran
  • Mahmoud Hezb zadeh Lecturer, Department of Islamic Knowledge, Jundishapur Medical University, Ahwaz, Iran



Islamic way of life, priority job, production, Agriculture and trade


Lifestyle, as a social science terminology, is closely and directly related to a set of concepts. Since job and work are one of the most important parts of human life, different schools have different views on jobs and work. And the Islamic religion, in turn, also has a lot of advice for different jobs if they want to be in accordance with the lifestyle that it draws. Note that the Islamic religion divides jobs, professions, and jobs in a general division into five categories, as every profession and job that exists in society and the market does not come out on the basis that it is: obligatory, recommended, forbidden, hated, or permissible. Also, Islam urges obligatory and desirable jobs and forbids engaging in forbidden and hated jobs. The jobs that provide family income and necessary expenses or contribute to the development of society are considered among the priority jobs in the lifestyle. After tracing the verses and narrations, it became clear that some professions and handicrafts occupies a great interest among other professions, such as agriculture, trade, livestock breeding, and handicrafts. Such jobs and professions deserve to be given priority if the opportunity arises to choose a job that is in harmony with the Islamic way of life.


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How to Cite

Mohammadi, Rashid, et al. “Priority Jobs in the Islamic Lifestyle”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 49, Oct. 2021, pp. 197-14, doi:10.36317/kaj/2021/v1.i49.1599.

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