"Forty holy hadiths about the Prophet and his household (peace be upon them ) in the books of Al-Amali by the three Sheikhs (Al- Saduq , Al-Mufeed and Al Tussi )"


  • Mohammed Morteza Mohammed Ali Al-Muzaffar University of Kufa / Faculty of Basic Education




Forty hadiths- Al- Saduq, Al-Mufeed, Al Tussi


The Prophet's  household  are the title of true humanity and the ultimate ideal for the good of human beings, because they have taken care of man and his happiness and simplified the laws of Allah almighty by interpreting the words of Allah almighty in their words and actions. They put the rules  that their students and  storytellers conveyed their science to the people , and what the sources and books have had from them in various sciences.

And this research deals with the holy hadiths of the Prophet and his pure household which taken from the books of the three faith-based sheikhs: Sheikh Al-Saduk  (381 Ah), Sheikh Al-Mufid ( 413 Ah), and Sheikh Tusi ( 460 Ah), the purpose of this study is to indicate the wisdom contained in it and its universal sacred secrets  and to shed light on the favour of the Prophet and his household" peace be upon them" for humanity and to reveal some of their secrets, such as Allah almighty chose  them as the elite of creation, their divine leadership, their succession to the earth and their uniqueness by conveying the laws of Allah and they sufficiently interpreted those laws  to the general people and Muslims in particular.

The Holy Hadiths are the words of Allah almighty , but they are not a Qur'an, they may be an interpretation of the verses of the Holy Qur'an. It is called "Qudssi" in relation to " Quds" in the sense of "purity", because of the ratio of its words to Allah, such as the Holy Quran. Which is miraculous in terms of his words, not sending them down for that. The hadiths are studied and researched in their contents for the scientific  research and investigation after the Holy Quran and its science, they are as  a light that is illuminated and a key to accessing the spirit of Allah almighty and the spirits of the pure Prophet's household , as well as the sacred breath of the faith which we establish the  laws and rules of the Prophet and his pure household  (peace be upon them ).



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How to Cite

Al-Muzaffar, M. M. M. A. (2023). "Forty holy hadiths about the Prophet and his household (peace be upon them ) in the books of Al-Amali by the three Sheikhs (Al- Saduq , Al-Mufeed and Al Tussi )". Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 2(27), 41–68. https://doi.org/10.36327/ewjh.v2i27.11466

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