The role of the ministers of the gods and human envoys and their impact on mythology in light of the cuneiform texts in Mesopotamia


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Fatima Abbas Salman Al-Mamouri University of Kufa - College of Archaeology



الرسل, الملاحم, الاساطير, المبعوثين, الوزراء, الالهة


the introduction:
1. Cuneiform texts played an important role in clarifying and knowing the religious ideas and beliefs in Mesopotamia, through reading and translating the numbers and tablets on which these texts were written, until they were considered a basic source for knowing the customs, traditions, and ideas of the people of Mesopotamia and their beliefs, since it was from the earliest times that man began to express his perceptions. And his thoughts and the impressions that nature left on him, and he took different paths in expressing these matters. At times, he looked at things objectively in order to benefit from their capabilities and harness them to him, so the foundations of science, knowledge, and technical methods arose for him. At other times, he looked at things from an imaginative or mythical perspective and expressed the aspects of the universe. Life is an artistic expression that he left behind in the form of artistic, literary, or religious pieces called a painting, a sculpture, a hymn, a legendary story, or an epic. Modern man’s knowledge of these amazing facts in the history of the development of the human species did not extend beyond nearly a century and a quarter of a century, when excavations and investigations began. The remains of ancient cities were the most wonderful contribution to modern civilization and to the advancement of human knowledge. These are the important discoveries achieved by archeology, which caused a serious revolution in man’s knowledge of his history, washing away all the sediments and clearing away all the rust that was on man’s thought. The opinions of researchers and historians that were relying on the remains of civilizations of other nations also changed. It is attributed to the development of the human individual and its roots.
Since Western researchers were almost limiting it to the heritage of Greek civilization and that it was the foundation of everything and the foundation of civilization and the first civilization, and that nothing was known about many of those ancient civilizations and even their names were unknown, fate wanted the evidence and proof to come from the interior of the land of Iraq to change the course of all human history. It determined where the first civilization was, where the first man was, and what were the different stages that led to that great development, of the ideas and beliefs of the people of Mesopotamia, until researchers and historians unanimously agreed that the oldest civilizations revealed by excavations is the Mesopotamian civilization, and how it originated and developed from primitive roles in certain eras. Before history, it reached maturity in the late fifth millennium and the beginning of the fourth millennium BC. Therefore, researchers called it the term "original civilization" or "authentic civilization", through the material and intellectual remains that this wonderful human being left behind for us in his giving and the most wonderful ways of preserving and documenting that giving. Myths had played their role in reflecting the reality of ancient societies, as the legendary product, even if it was considered a fantasy. But it must be a reflection of the reality that that person lived and practiced. Those myths carried for us a lot of information and reflections of the reality that prevailed at that time, and among those things that were mentioned by those myths and through the cuneiform texts that were the means for preserving and recording the activities of members of society at that time, which is the subject of our research. (The role of ministers of the gods and human envoys and their impact on mythology in light of the cuneiform texts in Mesopotamia) Although this topic expresses the community of sacred divinity in the thought of the people of Mesopotamia, it naturally expresses the reality of man at that time, and since myth is a type of literary product, The literature of Mesopotamia, whether poetry or prose, dealt with many topics that preoccupied the people’s minds in their public and private lives, and foremost among these was their view of life, the universe, the origin of existence, things, human society, their problems, the behavior of individuals, social values, their spiritual and emotional life, and the mystery of death and life. Therefore, the role of the minister of the gods must be It has a reflection on the role of the minister in the Council of Human Rule. Our research included two sections. The first section dealt with (the most important ministers who were known among the most famous legends in Mesopotamia), while the second section was devoted to the topic (the ministers of the gods are the envoys of humans) and a summary of the research in Arabic and English, supported by a list of approved sources. in search .


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How to Cite

Al-Mamouri, F. A. S. (2023). The role of the ministers of the gods and human envoys and their impact on mythology in light of the cuneiform texts in Mesopotamia. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 1(26), 435–450.

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