The social life of the Romans in the past


  • Dr. Khamael Shaker Abu Khudair Al-Janabi Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education



Romans, social life, ancient Rome


  The social structure of Rome witnessed a class division between its social groups, this division, which relied heavily and based on the economic wealth owned by each class that determines its position in Rome. A unified and developed society despite the circumstances it went through. Hence, the study of this site came to identify the most important features and characteristics that distinguished the Roman society from others, and to identify the most important stages that helped crystallize its personality and the most important components of that society.

Therefore, the need for the research required dividing it into three sections. In the first section, we dealt with a geographical overview of the environment and the geographical nature of Rome, as well as the most important populations who settled on the Italian peninsula and constituted the first building block for it, as well as the most important classes that prevailed in Roman society.

As for the second section, it revolves around the importance of the family and its role in Rome, the classes that prevailed in Rome and other cities, and we dealt with general aspects of the life of each class and what are the most important criteria upon which the basis of social division in Rome is based, and the role of the father, mother and child in building the social structure. As for the focus of our study in the third section, we dealt with the nature of the day of the Roman family, what is the nature of daily life and the most important daily practices that the family lived in Rome.  


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How to Cite

Al-Janabi, K. (2023) “The social life of the Romans in the past”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(68), pp. 403–438. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i68.11520.

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