ways of persuasion in the discourse of the prophets


  • Prof. Dr. Rahim Khreib Attia Al-Saadi Kufa University / Kufa Studies Center




The prophecies have taken a clear and precise approach; For the purpose of convincing their people of the messages for which they were sent. And in order for these messages to be acceptable to the recipients, it was necessary for them to explain to those people that they were truly sent from God Almighty, so they would present evidence after evidence in different ways.

 The messages were different, including what was divine, such as the Islamic religion, the Christian religion, and the Jewish religion. Including what was not divine, such as the Sabian religion, the Hindu religion, the Manichaean religion, the Mazdak religion, and the Magian religion.

This classification came from the followers; There is no doubt that the prophets started from one lamp and from one method, which is Islam, which is monotheism. But people distort religions according to their whims and interests. And for that, God sends messengers to guide their people. The prophets did their best to reform their people and bring them to the path of truth; We see them agree in their reformist approach. The prophets have unanimously agreed that they do not want a wage for conveying their messages. But the problem they always face is represented in the tyrants who always stand in the way of the prophecies, as they do not want to lose what they are of power, prestige and money, and they do not want to allocate part of the money to the poor.

The prophets used a soft method of persuasion to convince their people without using force or harshness. We see them being kind to the poor, pitying them, and asking them only for what they can. I hope that I will succeed in this research and our last prayer. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers.


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- القرآن الكريم .

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معالم التنزيل في تفسير القرآن = تفسير البغوي ، أبو محمد الحسين بن مسعود بن محمد بن الفراء البغوي الشافعي ، تحقيق عبد الرزاق المهدي الناشر ، دار إحياء التراث العربي - بيروت الطبعة 1 ، 1420 هـ .

ملتقى أهل الحديث ، موقع على المكتبة الشاملة يحتوي على خزانة كتب كثيرة .

- موقع أ.د. خالد بن عثمان السبت



How to Cite

Al-Saadi, R. (2023) “ways of persuasion in the discourse of the prophets ”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(69), pp. 81–111. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i69.12552.