The executive authority’s oversight of the work of Parliament


  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Taha Al-Husseini University of Karbala / College of Law



Parliament, constitution, parliamentary oversight, legislative objection, ratification, and oversight means.


Parliament's work can be divided into three types, two main functions that fall into the core of the parliament’s function, namely, legislation and oversight of the work of the executive authority, while the third work is administrative work, and it can be considered an organizational act through which parliament manages its affairs, and in the systems that adopt the principle of flexible separation between The authorities. The executive authority may impose its censorship on one of the three businesses only, using some means that allow it to impose its control over it.


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القرآن الكريم.

أولا: الكتب

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ثالثا: الدساتير

دستور دستور جمهوريّة العراق لسنة (2005).

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How to Cite

Al-Husseini, M. (2024) “The executive authority’s oversight of the work of Parliament”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(71), pp. 81–108. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i71.14717.

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