Political and social aspects in the proposals of Mr. Hassan Al-Qabbanji


  • Prof. Dr. Ali Abdel-Muttalib Al-Madani University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls
  • Researcher Asmaa Ali Mohsen University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls




Political aspects, social aspects, the proposals of Mr. Hassan Al-Qabbanji


The research tagged (political and social aspects of Mr. Hassan Al-Qabbanji’s proposals) focused on the political and social positions of Mr. Hassan Al-Qabbanji at a stage in the modern history of Iraq through his critical political speeches, which were a major reason for his arrest several times by the previous governments of Iraq, represented by the monarchy and the republican government. And what these words have an impact on the reality of life in Iraq.


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How to Cite

Al-Madani, A. and Mohsen, A. (2024) “Political and social aspects in the proposals of Mr. Hassan Al-Qabbanji”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(71), pp. 161–190. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i71.14845.

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