The repercussions of the Corona pandemic on the international energy market


  • Prof. Dr. Akram Nehme Ali University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics
  • Researcher Ali Abbas Obaid University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics



Corona, Energy, Market


The international energy market occupies great importance at the international level in general and in international economic relations in particular, due to its sources represented by conventional energy (oil, gas, coal, nuclear energy) and unconventional energy (heavy oil, shale oil, unconventional gas ... etc.) and renewable energy (solar, wind, ocean, geothermal, biomass), so we note that many industrialized countries have increased their demand for these sources in light of the international crises, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the repercussions of the Corona pandemic had significant economic repercussions that affected all countries of the world and imposed strict measures such as closure, social distancing and quarantine, and this revealed the ineffectiveness of global health systems in the face of this pandemic, which left dire effects that resulted in great losses at the international level and at the international level of all economic sectors, such as the decline in global economic growth and gross domestic product and the deterioration of most government budgets.


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How to Cite

Ali, A. and Obaid, A. (2024) “The repercussions of the Corona pandemic on the international energy market”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(71), pp. 249–274. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i71.14861.

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