United Nations preventive diplomacy regarding the Libyan crisis after 2011


  • Prof. Dr. Sabah Sahib Al-Arrayed University of Kufa / College of Political Sciences
  • Researcher Rahim Mahdi Rahim University of Kufa / College of Political Sciences




Preventive diplomacy, the United Nations, the Libyan crisis


Libya entered the so-called Arab Spring to become one of the countries affected by the winds of change on February 17, 2011, when popular demonstrations and protests broke out against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, for a number of reasons at the internal and external levels. These reasons converged and combined to form a security voice and a dangerous presence for the regime. Gaddafi ، The research deals with the role of the United Nations in trying to settle the Libyan crisis and in supporting and supporting the Libyan people in their revolution against the regime of President Muammar Gaddafi, and supporting the political process in the post-Gaddafi era. It also focuses on all the decisions issued by the United Nations to deal with the Libyan crisis, and extrapolating All decisions and positions issued by the United Nations to deal with the situation in Libya.


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How to Cite

Al-Arrayed, S. and Rahim, R. (2024) “United Nations preventive diplomacy regarding the Libyan crisis after 2011”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(72), pp. 111–144. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i72.15702.

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