Internal rhythm in the language of poetry in the fifth century AH - Iraqi poets as an example


  • Professor Saad Jabbar mushatat University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls
  • Researcher Furat Hussein Mahdi University of Kufa / College of Education for Girls



Internal rhythm, the language of poetry, the fifth century AH, Iraqi poets


Music took a great place in the language of poetry, so the ancient critics pointed to its importance, but they did not explicitly mention it, including Al-Jahiz (d. The word was not positioned next to its sister in a satisfactory and consistent way, it was on the tongue when chanting that poetry a pantry, and the best poetry I have ever seen is cohesive parts, easy exits, so you learn that it has emptied one void and cast one. It clarifies the importance of the internal rhythm and draws attention to its impact as the main pillar in the synthesis of the sound itself through the choice of weight and rhyme, and its equations with the music of words, words and letters and their cohesion with each other, which completes the aesthetic of the poetic text.


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How to Cite

mushatat, S. and Mahdi, F. (2024) “Internal rhythm in the language of poetry in the fifth century AH - Iraqi poets as an example”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(72), pp. 379–410. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i72.15859.

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