government's political and legal measures to end the siege The Iraqi


  • Abd Al-Abbas Fadikh Al-Manqoush University of Karbala - College of Education
  • . Afrah Hussein Jawad University of Karbala - College of Education



Iraqi government, - siege, political


The Iraqi government has used several means to get rid of the unjust siege imposed on Iraq during the rule of Saddam Hussein, and the government has approved all the resolutions issued by the United Nations against Iraq to get rid of the siege that made the Iraqi people live in a state of terror, and the means must be used To get rid of this situation, and among these means is the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction that claimed the lives of many of the Iraqi people and the fall of the Iraqi regime, which threatens the lives of many Iraqis as a result of the criminal operations that it was carrying out against the people of its people, as the results of the research showed that it is necessary to From the government taking these measures to lift Iraq from the siege


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How to Cite

Al-Manqoush, Abd Al-Abbas, and Afrah Jawad. “ government’s Political and Legal Measures to End the Siege The Iraqi”. Kufa Journal of Arts, no. 58, Dec. 2023, pp. 181-9, doi:10.36317/kaj/2023/v1.i57.12311.

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