Multiplicity of meaning in the Qur’anic text between hermeneutic interpretation and intentional interpretation


  • The teacher is Dr. Bassem Abdel Hussein Rahi Al-Hasnawi Open Educational College - Department of Arabic Language - Najaf Branch



النصِّ القرآني



The problems raised by the philosophical Hermeneutics in the interpretation of the Qur'anic text are based on a clear arbitrary view of the language, meaning that the word is not pregnant with the meaning, but merely the existence of the potential meanings of the meanings given by those who speak these words in a remote manner. In these words there is meaning. Of the language necessarily leads to the belief that all the texts have a symbolic metaphorical structure, and with regard to the divine books, they turn in this view into metaphorical symbolic linguistic blocks lack of prior indication, but add to the implications later, according to the hypothesis Which leads to the interpretation of the text, and it follows this arbitrary view to lose these books of God in general, and the Koran in particular, the attribute of guidance, because everything contained in it is not a true echo of the street according to appearances, but is a metaphorical metaphoric mass needs interpretation, not this It can be a verse in the Qur'an meaning and its opposite at the same time, without the existence of an interpretive criterion on which one can be judged as a misinterpretation, And on the other as a refuge True, right and wrong according to the Hermeneutic methodology have no existence in the traditional sense that is practiced by the wise men and philosophers so far, but they are both two-dimensional, this interpretive understanding of the Qur'an is true in Zayd. It is true, not because it is consistent with the objective, Because it agrees with the hypotheses and prejudices that Zaid started to understand the Koranic text, and this interpretation is a misinterpretation for Amr, which is actually wrong, but for Amr, who starts to process the understanding of the text of the hypotheses and theories are different, and we can not afford an interpretive view On the other, only on the basis of our presuppositions as well, and so all our views are right and wrong at the same time, and there is no criterion governing the interpretation, to be realistic in favor of this opinion on the other, this is not possible reality, because the text is not indicative, and as long as this is the case, our own interpretations can only be made from those hypotheses and theories that exist earlier in our minds, and there is no difference between those assumptions being revised or unedited, Performs the process of interpreting the text, so the whole net The interpretative answer to the Qur'anic text is equal in value and consideration.


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How to Cite

Al-Hasnawi, B. A. H. R. (2023). Multiplicity of meaning in the Qur’anic text between hermeneutic interpretation and intentional interpretation. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 1(26), 95–118.

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