The style of contrast in the poetry of Sheikh Kazem Al-Azri


  • Prof. Raja Abdel Hussein Al-Atabi University of Kufa / College of Basic Education
  • Researcher Halim Fahd Abboud University of Kufa / College of Basic Education



Contrast Style, Sheikh kadem Al-Ozri, Term Antonymy, Significant Antonymy, Figurative Antonymy


The antonym style existing in poetries of old and modern poets the reason that this style is so important in enriching the literary text, significance further enhanced and increase recipient attention to reveal the poet’s intentions in use opposing diodes which exist in the text.

This study dealt with the antonym style in the poetries of sheikh Kazem Al-Azri which was one of the stylistic dominances within his poetic text .

We found that antonym and inconsistency style was clearly appear between semantics with all its types (apparent , hidden and opposite) with the predominance of the positive antonym the negative .


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How to Cite

Al-Atabi, R. and Abboud, H. (2024) “The style of contrast in the poetry of Sheikh Kazem Al-Azri”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(71), pp. 361–374. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i71.15063.

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