The Reality of Promotion Using Social Media in Banks: An Analytical Study in Some Branches of the Commercial Banks


  • Mr. Dr. Ali Mahmoud Samaka University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics
  • Researcher Hayder Hamza Abbas University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics



Promotion Using Social Media, Government Commercial Banks, Najaf


The study aims to identify the reality of promotion using the social media by surveying the views of the sample of banks in the study community in Najaf Governorate. In addition to the importance of the study, it is embodied in the fact that it is one of the studies that concern itself with and treat a real problem that the commercial banking sector in general and some branches of commercial banks in particular suffer from. The study addresses a problem represented by the weak interest of banks in using promotion through social media. The study hypothesis emerged is put to tackle this problem. The study sample is represented by (402) respondents from bank customers, the study sample. The electronic questionnaire findings were analyzed using the statistical analysis programs (SMART PLS) and (Microsoft Excel) (Spss 24).


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How to Cite

Samaka, A. and Abbas, H. (2022) “The Reality of Promotion Using Social Media in Banks: An Analytical Study in Some Branches of the Commercial Banks”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(65), pp. 297–328. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i65.9713.

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