The Negotiational Performance of The Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zareef and Its impact on the Signing of the Nuclear Agreement


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Sabah Sahib ALeryeed University of Kufa / College of Political Science
  • Researcher Zahra Adel Hassan University of Kufa / College of Political Science



Negotiating Performance – the Nuclear Agreement - Mohammad Javad Zareef- the Iranian Negotiations.


The paper has focused on the negotiating performance in the experience of the Iranian Foreign Minister ((Mr. Mohammad Javad Zareef)), and his personal influence in managing Iran’s negotiations on its nuclear file with the Western countries and in his management of Iranian negotiations with the (5 + 1) Western countries and how he managed the issue of the Iranian nuclear file. The resulting agreement between the Iranian Republic and those countries, after long and stressful years for the Iranians, was able to present a distinguished model for the rational and heedful management of negotiations, which was clearly reflected in the subsequent steps of the Iranian government at the levels of regional and international policies, and even the internal policies adopted by the government towards its citizens in a way that enhances the internal cohesion and increases the national cohesion of the Iranian fabric on the

Despite the size of what it suffers from major problems that could threaten the security and existence of the political system.


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How to Cite

eleryeed, S. and Hassan, Z. (2022) “The Negotiational Performance of The Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zareef and Its impact on the Signing of the Nuclear Agreement”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(65), pp. 357–372. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i65.9716.

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