Artistic Experience and its relation to Kindergarten Child Physical Growth


  • Jenan Lateef Hashem University of Baghdad / College of Education for Women



Artistic experience, physical development, Artistic experience, physical development, kindergarten children


The study aimed to:

  1. Identify the appropriate artistic experience to kindergarten children physical growth.
  2. Identify the physical growth of kindergarten children.
  3. Investigate the relationship between the artistic experience and kindergarten children physical growth.

To achieve the aims of the study, the researcher builds up two scales, in which the items of these two scales based on literature, theoretical framework, and previous studies. Artistic experience scale consisted of 11 items whereas physical growth scale contained 13 items. After confirming the psychometric characteristics of the two scales, the researcher applied them on the sample of the study who are kindergarten teachers at General Directorate of Education Karkh-Alawlaa. They were (150) female teachers chosen randomly, and after collecting the teachers' responses, the data was analyzed statistically to obtain the following results:


  1. Artistic experience provided in the kindergarten is effective and appropriate for children.
  2. Kindergarten children enjoy healthy physical growth.
  3. Artistic experiences provided to children in kindergarten have an important and effective role in developing their physical growth.

Artistic activities practiced by the child in kindergarten are considered one of the pillars of modern education and represent, along with other school subjects, a system that aims to achieve comprehensive and balanced development for all aspects of the personality and the development of creative, cognitive, social and physical skills. artistic experiences work on developing the physical aspect of the child through the physical movements that the child uses in drawing and coloring process. These movements improve the child's motor skills, achieving visual-kinetic synergy.

Keywords: Artistic experience, physical development, kindergarten children




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How to Cite

hashem, jenan. “Artistic Experience and Its Relation to Kindergarten Child Physical Growth”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 57, Sept. 2023, pp. 401-2, doi:10.36317/kaj/2023/v1.i57.11832.

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