The Iraqi economic reality after the invasion of Kuwait until the regim downfall 1990-2003


  • Remmah Saad Marhoon The Open Educational College / Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Branch



Economic , sanctions on, Iraq, Economic blockade, Memorandum , of oil for food and basic needs


  The research sheds light on an important historical era in the life of the Iraqi people, which came after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the imposition of international sanctions as a result of a series of international resolutions issued by the UN Security Council, extending from the invasion in 1990 until the fall of the former Iraqi regime in 2003, during which Iraq suffered Difficult economic conditions represented by an international economic blockade, political isolation, and a ban on commercial dealings with all countries of the world, which resulted in extremely difficult living conditions, tragic humanitarian conditions, and a scarcity of food and the necessities for life, not to mention poverty, unemployment, and disruption of infrastructure and reconstruction, which were mostly ruined and destroyed due to The second Gulf War by the international coalition forces to expel Iraq from Kuwait    


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How to Cite

Marhoon, Remmah. “The Iraqi Economic Reality After the Invasion of Kuwait until the Regim Downfall 1990-2003”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 59, Mar. 2024, pp. 243-62, doi:10.36317/kja/2024/v1.i59.13238.

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