Organizational behavior and its relationship to enhancing creativity among some middle leaders in the Faculties of Education for Girls and Arts at the University of Kufa


  • Assistant Professor Dr Manaf Abdul Aziz Muhammad University of Kufa - College of Education for Girls



organizational behavior, creativity, leadership, University of Kufa


Organizational behavior means interest in interpreting and managing individuals' attitudes, such as individuals' attitudes toward the prevailing management style, job satisfaction or dissatisfaction, employees' attitudes toward promotion policies, etc. Accordingly, the study of organizational behavior means interest in interpreting and managing the behaviors of individuals in organizations, such as performance, decision-making, cooperation, coordination, commitment to work goals, organizational conflicts, absence, innovation, and others.

Creative leadership is that leadership practice that depends on achieving the highest standards of quality and professional performance by using qualifications, skills and experience to achieve strategic goals within the work departments within his organization and to overcome problems and difficulties.

The social and human sciences, especially management and labor, have tended to pay attention to the organizational development of work, with the aim of bringing about positive changes in institutions to keep pace with rapid changes and make them more capable of solving problems and providing services efficiently and effectively, but any efforts for change do not take into account the interest in the human element, and this trend is particularly administrative thought. The human element for the success of the preparatory programs and the departure from the institution of orders to the so-called possible institution and the subsequent change in policy structures for decisions are undoubtedly of interest. The concept of empowerment constitutes an essential and decisive element for institutions, especially in the trend towards adopting and applying modern administrative concepts. The importance of the research lies in studying organizational behavior and its relationship to enhancing creativity among faculty members at the University of Kufa.


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How to Cite

Muhammad, M. (2023). Organizational behavior and its relationship to enhancing creativity among some middle leaders in the Faculties of Education for Girls and Arts at the University of Kufa. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 1(27), 400–418.

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