The third session of the Iranian National Consultative Council December 6, 1914 - December 14, 1915


  • Ahmed Ali
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Shaker Abdel-Alaq University of Kufa / College of Arts




The World War I  had been declared. Iran was going through a very difficult situation at that time. The accumulations of the previous political system and the effects of decisions and laws that were legislated during the previous legislative sessions were a heavy burden on the whole country. It was right to say, Iran declared the official neutrality of the war but it remained neutral on paper only. All parties did not abide by the conflict and even the poles of politics in Iran.

In the light of these complicated circumstances, the National Council was  launching a package of projects and reforms' attempts which were described as desperate due to the circumstances of the war. However, from our point of view, it represented a source of strength for the dilapidated political system. In such circumstances it was difficult to hold parliamentary elections, although the political situations were very  abandoned  and deteriorating already. But the council undertook  initiative. In such situation it was hard to made elections but actually the elections had been done thought there were many problems during, and there were some notes  and  faults within, but it had been done and the council was opened. The council tried to present Many different projects to improve  the real life of Iranian individuals  and to save them from the bad situation that they suffered from.

The political situation in the country was extremely poor and deteriorated. The Council took the initiative and its members were to some extent confronting the executive authority, discussing its programs and legislations, and commenting on its movements according to what they  saw  as a parliamentary bloc, and this was one of the problems that faced the third legislative session, which is its penetration by foreign powers, and therefore the difference of views between the members of the legislative and executive powers regarding the support and rejection of both parties to the international conflict was one of the reasons for the collapse of the work of this institution and the failure to complete its legal period.

But what is recorded in favor of this session was the presence of a determination by the members of the Council to address some urgent issues and issues, including addressing the dire economic reality and formulating laws and political projects which were directed by the executive authority, and there were decisions and laws formulated during this session that served social sectors such as education, health and public services

As we mentioned earlier, the issue of the conflict between the members of the council and the Iranian governments and the tendencies of each of them to one of the conflict parties had broken the council’s power and ended its legal capacity until after the end of the First World War.


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How to Cite

Ali, A., & Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Shaker Abdel-Alaq. (2023). The third session of the Iranian National Consultative Council December 6, 1914 - December 14, 1915. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 1(28).

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