Marketing capabilities and their impact on creative ingenuity


  • Assistant Prof Dr. Jawad Mohsen Rady College of Administration and Economics/University of Al-Qadisiyah
  • Researcher Zaman Sabih Attia



Creative ingenuity, Marketing capabilities


The current research examines the effect of marketing capabilities in its dimensions (market sensibility, brand ability, and customer relationship management capacity) on the Innovation Ambidexterity in its dimensions (Innovation Exploratory and Innovation Exploitative). The sample of the study included (121) individuals of managers in private banks in the governorates of the central Euphrates (Qadisiyah, Babil, Najaf, Holy Karbala, and Muthanna). The research relied on the analytical descriptive approach and relying on the questionnaire in collecting data and information, in addition to relying on a set of statistical means, including (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient, simple regression, and the equation of structural modeling). The research concluded that there is a significant and significant impact relationship for marketing capabilities in the dimensions of Innovation Ambidexterity, and the research came out with a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is the need for banks to pay great attention to building their capabilities in the field of sensing. Work to develop a unit specialized in customer relationship management that appears in the organizational structure of each bank. As well as developing its


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How to Cite

radi, J. and Attia, Z. (2023) “Marketing capabilities and their impact on creative ingenuity”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(69), pp. 317–350. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i69.11960.

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