The impact of ideological deviation in the emergence of the phenomenon of atonement


  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Reda Al-Hakim Kufa University / Kufa Studies Center



Doctrinal deviation, the phenomenon of atonement


The research revolves around the doctrinal deviation in which a stream of Muslims occurred, as a result of their commitment to adhere to the texts without scrutinizing the novel nor the narrator, and plagiarizing the effects on their phenomena, even if there is something contrary to the minds, and they see that this is the religion of God who came by the download and the predecessor took it from the Prophet directly, and the successor received it by faith and acceptance, and that whoever violated that, by checking the bond and searching with the significance, and then interpreting the texts in accordance with the minds, the people of heresy and misguidance have brought about in religion what is not Thus, they ruled their infidelity and issued fatwas to apply the rule of Sharia according to this vision, so the forbidden blood was wasted, the symptoms were abused and Islamic societies were torn apart under religious titles.

One of the most prominent figures of this movement was Ibn Taymiyyah al-Harrani, who established this ideological deviation and the consequent extremist takfiri tendencies, which distorted the true face of Islam and tore Muslims apart. These ideas were activated and promoted whenever there was a fertile environment in which they grow, and the  appropriate conditions were created for them to spread, and thus extremist and takfiri currents and movements were born under the umbrella of the true Islamic religion, which brought the message of the tolerant sky.     


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How to Cite

Al-Hakim, M. A. (2023) “The impact of ideological deviation in the emergence of the phenomenon of atonement”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 2(69), pp. 676–690. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v2i69.13098.

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