The geostrategic importance of the Grand Port of Faw and its challenges


  • Ass. Prof. DR. Aeer Najem Abbood Kufa University / College of Political Science



port, Faw, geostrategy, security, economy, politics


The grand port of Faw is characterized by a set of characteristics that make it acquire geostrategic importance. Perhaps the most prominent of these characteristics is its geographical location, which overlooks the northern Arabian Gulf, and its economic benefit that accrues not only to Iraq, but also to other countries in the continents of Asia and Europe, which is reflected in the strengthening Iraq's political and security situation, as a result of the interdependence of benefit between iraq and these international units. One of the outcomes of that is the entry of the port project within the policies of the active countries at the international and regional levels, as it is an integrated project that links the continent of Asia with Europe through the Iraqi dry canal, and through Turkey and Syria. The port project, if it is operated, will contribute to the Iraqi economy effectively. Although there are internal and external challenges facing the completion of the port project in the time specified for it according to the announced official studies, the port’s future appears promising, due to its local and international necessity.


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How to Cite

Abbood, Aeer. “The Geostrategic Importance of the Grand Port of Faw and Its Challenges”. Kufa Journal of Arts, vol. 1, no. 57, Sept. 2023, pp. 63-94, doi:10.36317/kaj/2023/v1.i57.11991.

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