Dimensions of the DCA methodology for institutional strategic planning


  • Prof. Dr. Laith Shaker Abu Tabikh University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics
  • Researcher Asaad Abdel Aziz Marza University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics




(DCA) Methodology, Dimensions of Methodology (DCA), Institutional strategic planning


This research seeks to identify the dimensions of the (DCA) methodology for institutional strategic planning, which is one of the modern and innovative tools and methods for strategic planning with the aim of bridging the knowledge gap represented by the absence of standard dimensions through which to study, measure and test the sub-dimensions when studying this methodology as a variable that affects and is affected by strategic planning activities and processes. institutional.

The research depends on the descriptive analytical method, as it relied to reach the results on a practical application to develop an integrated strategic plan using the (DCA) methodology in one of the government service institutions that represented the research community (the Directorate of Roads and Bridges of Karbala), in which the opinions of the surveyed sample were studied and analyzed. Intentional represented by all the male and female employees in that directorate who have a bachelor’s degree or above, and whose opinion was surveyed by means of a measurement tool (a questionnaire) that was prepared by the researchers to obtain the data necessary to study the sub-dimensions of that modern strategic planning method.


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How to Cite

Abu Tabikh, L. and Marza, A. (2024) “Dimensions of the DCA methodology for institutional strategic planning”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(71), pp. 325–368. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i71.14770.

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