The impact of capital structure on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Iraq A study of a sample of banks listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period (2005-2017)


  • Professor Sondos Hamid Al-Badri University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics
  • Researcher Alaa Akram Abdel-Sahib University of Kufa / College of Administration and Economics



Capital structure, financial performance, Islamic banks in Iraq, impact study


This study aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between the capital structure and the financial performance of the commercial banks

sampled in the study and listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange.

The problem of the study was embodied in the following questions:

  1. What are the methods followed by Islamic banks in formulating their capital structure?
  2. Is there a significant effect of capital structure on banking financial performance?

Three of the most important indicators expressing capital structure (independent variables) were used, represented by (total liabilities to equity, total liabilities to total assets, equity to total assets) and three indicators of banking financial performance (dependent variables), represented by (ratio Return on equity, rate of return on assets, net profit per share), and two Iraqi Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange were chosen as a sample for the study.


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How to Cite

Al-Badri, S. and Abdel-Sahib, A. (2024) “The impact of capital structure on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Iraq A study of a sample of banks listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period (2005-2017)”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(71), pp. 209–248. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i71.14860.

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