Building a proposed training program to employ educational technology in basic teaching skills For Arabic language teachers


  • A. M. Yahya Khalifa Hassan Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Education
  • Researcher Intisar Jamal Kamel Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Education



Training program, educational technology, basic teaching skills for Arabic language teachers


Many studies have emphasized the importance of training teaching staff

on modern teaching methods because of its great importance in developing the educational process. Therefore, the research aimed to know the training needs for developing basic teaching skills, and to propose a training program derived from the training needs.

In order to know the training needs, a questionnaire was built to determine the training needs for employing educational technology tools. A questionnaire tool was built and the stability of the tool was confirmed by re-testing on a random exploratory sample of 40 teachers and schools, where the reliability coefficient reached (0.82-0.89). After ensuring the validity and reliability of the tool, the questionnaire was applied to the basic sample, which numbered (200) male and female teachers. The number of schools included in the questionnaire was (81) schools for boys and girls, with (57) middle and (24) secondary schools. The researcher used Pearson's correlation coefficient, weighted mean, percentile weight, t-test, Cronbach's alpha equation, and F-test to analyze the results of the questionnaire.


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How to Cite

Hassan, Y. and Kamel, I. (2024) “Building a proposed training program to employ educational technology in basic teaching skills For Arabic language teachers”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(72), pp. 433–474. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i72.15861.

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