Aesthetic Aspects of Popular Jewels & Their Intertectualities With Sumerian Jewels


  • Professor Dr. Rehab Khudair Ebadi University of Babylon - College of Fine Arts



الحلي, التناص, الحلي الشعبية, الحلي السومرية, وادي الرافدين, الجمالية



Research Summary:

Addresses current research (dimensional intellectual and aesthetic Iraqi folk ornaments & their intertectualities with neighborhood Sumerian) in an effort to analyze the technical production popular Iraqi intertectualities as with artistic productions Sumerian they constitute intellectual and aesthetic root of the memory and the Iraqi identity that spared the heritage of ancestors and linking the present.

        The research includes dimensions first chapters deal with methodological framework of the research represented by the problem of the search wondered how far the body of folk artist beyond the intellectual and aesthetic in the artistic intertectualities for the costume? And to what extent was intertectualities folk artist with the Sumerian art in the production of popular ornaments? And it enables the importance of research and the need for him to be a highlight of folk art, especially the Iraqi popular ornaments and intertectualities with ornaments Sumerian, also known as the Search sense of the neighborhood of intellectual and aesthetic dimensions, and carries this research recipes intellectual, historical and monetary and aesthetic and artistic as well as the monetary value of intertectualities as a concepts prominent in contemporary critical studies and try to find mechanisms to enforce this intertextuality and the aim of the research in the known intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the Iraqi popular Costume intertectualities with ornaments Sumerian and identify the most important terms in the search subject.

        And ensure that the second chapter the theoretical framework and the previous studies handled the theoretical framework of three Investigation first deal with (dimensional intellectual and aesthetic of Art Mesopotamian) and taking second section (folk art Iraq), while ensuring the third (the concept of intertextuality and mechanisms) and the search is over with the most important indicators that indicate the subject of the search.

The third chapter Vahtoy on (research procedures) guarantees the sample, which amounted to (7) Popular Costume Mtnash with ornaments Sumerian and then adoption of content analysis and statistical Alamaalh tool for validity and reliability, and sample analysis, the search is over fourth quarter, which dealt with the research and its findings and recommendations and the results of proposals The most important results:

  1. Most Iraqi popular ornaments have been associated with the dimensions of intellectual and spiritual concepts related to religious or ideological ritual.
  2. Most of the plant forms like paper flowers limited use on the head, Costume Kalokalal clamps.
  3. embodied dimensional aesthetic Folk Costume through redundancy, diversity and symmetry in addition to winning the high consistency and harmony in the way.

The conclusions and most important:

  1. That every occasion and ritual kind of its own ornaments, for example, large-sized ornaments and lacy used in rituals such as marriage, for example, either ornaments studded with gems typically are used in ritual worship such as prayer.
  2. Adopt popular jeweler to the principle of repetition and symmetry, harmony, mainly in the design and drafting of popular ornaments.


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How to Cite

Ebadi, R. K. (2023). Aesthetic Aspects of Popular Jewels & Their Intertectualities With Sumerian Jewels. Journal of the College of Education for Girls for Humanities, 1(26), 395–432.

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