Freedom of association for public employees in Iraq between legal texts and practical reality The Iraqi Academics Syndicate is a model


  • Professor Sinan Talib Al Qasimi University of Kufa / College of Law



Freedom of association, public employee, legal texts, practical reality, Iraqi Academics Syndicate


Freedom of association is one of the most important public freedoms and human rights. Which was emphasized in international agreements and legislation during many decades of the last century; Through the sacrifices and struggle of peoples, especially those working in the professions, this is what prompted most countries to include them in local laws and legislation, and union organization has become an essential pillar and entry point for building and developing civil society. The nature of the goals for which unions are founded is to defend their members and seek to achieve the concept of comprehensive security - for them in particular and for members of society and the state in general - through providing services and implementing activities and programs that benefit the public good.


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Fifth: Foreign References:

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Deborah Eade, Alan Leather, Development NGOs and Labor Unions: Terms of engagement, Kumarian Press, 2005.



How to Cite

Al Qasimi, S. (2024) “Freedom of association for public employees in Iraq between legal texts and practical reality The Iraqi Academics Syndicate is a model”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(72), pp. 299–342. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i72.15712.

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