The implications of deletion and mention in the Treatise on Rights by Imam Al-Sajjad (peace be upon him)


  • Prof. Dr. Mortada Abbas Faleh University of Basra / College of Education for Human Sciences
  • Researcher Shaima Shaker Ghaly General Directorate of Basra Education



deletion, dhikr, message of rights, carpets, passive voice, deletion of the subject


The phenomenon of deletion and mention has semantic, aesthetic and eloquent aspects of expression. The connotations abounded and the underlying implications of this phenomenon varied in the Message of Rights to attract the attention of the addressee and his interaction with the content of the text. The technique of deletion requires research, detection and elucidation, so we investigated the deletion of the subject, the deletion of the predicate, the diversity of connotations, the deletion of the verbal sentence, the deletion of the condition sentence , the deletion of the infinitive (that) and the names or attributes of (that) and also deleting (was) and its name. We find the deletion of the subject alone, and sometimes the subject is deleted with the verb related to it and the subject is deleted with the passive verb. We also find the deletion of objects and the deletion of the noun and keeping the adjective mentioned, and the deletion of the genitive, prepositions, neighbor and accusative. We also find the deletion of the relative noun and its connection with it, and the word may be deleted once and mentioned once in one context, or a word may be deleted in the context of a text and mentioned in the context of another text.


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- القرآن الكريم.

أوّلاً : الكتب المطبوعة

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Second: Theses and Dissertations

- The method of deletion, submission, delay and expression in Surat An-Naml, Haitham Abdul Zahra Rabat Al-Mansouri, Master's Thesis, College of Arts, University of Basra, 2016.

- Construction of the unknown in the Holy Qur'an, Hussein Mazhar Hammadi, Master Thesis, College of Arts, University of Basra, 1994.



How to Cite

Faleh, M. and Ghaly, S. (2024) “The implications of deletion and mention in the Treatise on Rights by Imam Al-Sajjad (peace be upon him)”, Journal of Kufa Studies Center, 1(72), pp. 249–278. doi: 10.36322/jksc.v1i72.15849.

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